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HEAR: Reenactors share their thoughts

Reenactors in their own words

Pvt. Kellen McNally

Why Kellen reenacts

Why Kellen ducks

Just like softball

We wouldn't forget


Sgt. Robert Sandusky

Why the Civil War?

Taking on Tony Horowitz


Megan McNally

Getting into reenacting

Best part of reenacting

Being a female reenactor

Time travel

The cannon and the worst part of reenacting

How you know when to die

Captain Steven McNally

What Steven learned from history

Finding reenacting

20 years

Initial investment

Sounds of the Reenactments

Honoring the 50-year veteran reenactors
Retreating at the Battle of the Wheatfield

Music of the reenactments



The Real History of Reenacting, as told by Capt. Ray Smutko

Part 1: Stamps

Part 2: NSSA

Part 3: First sutlers

Part 4: Wool count

Part 5: Lawton Prison

A gesture of appreciation

The 125th New York Volunteer Infantry

On Family

On dying

On  why they do it

On teaching children

On getting caught being a farb

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